If you are wondering what this photo is, it is a real 18 weeks pregnant woman. YES!! A real dead body of a pregnant woman skinned and “plastinated” for “medical research” purposes, or to be considered a form of “anatomy art.” Are you looking to buy this human corpse? Body World is the right place for you. Anyone can buy it legally with zero chances of getting in trouble with any worldwide authority.
What is Plastination and who invented this crazy idea?
A preservation technique whereby an embalmed body is drained of its natural fluids and injected with a polymer solution. The body is posed and then cured and hardened into position.
Plastination is viewed as a novel and useful alternative to the traditional post-death options like burial and cremation. Proponents see the process as potentially useful to medical students, who some say rely too much on computer models instead of working with real bodies.
Body Worlds is the brainchild of German anatomist Gunther von Hagens, the inventor of plastination who also created a stir in 2002 by performing the first public dissection in 180 years in London. He defended the event by claiming that human anatomy and pathology should be available to the public at large, not just the medical community.
"The Body Worlds exhibition is intended to help educate people and provide the opportunity for lay people in particular to gain a greater understanding of the body and its functions," notes the official brochure of von Hagens' Institute for Plastination in Heidelberg, Germany. Live Science
The anatomist “artist” then decided to start an exhibition called “Body World” to show off his master pieces. An example of an artistic corpse is shown in this picture. The man is called Ring Man, where he is sliced vertically, bones and tissues are separated, just to show how the body parts fir together after all. What is even more surprising is that all the people whom these corpses belong to signed consents for their bodies to be used in any manner Body World chooses. 20 Percent of all those people donated their bodies to the institute.
A form completed by one donor, identified only as Anthony from the United Kingdom, offered some insight into why one might choose such an alternative.
"I was going to have it burned after having any useful part removed and my body ashes thrown into the sea," Anthony writes. "Then after seeing the plastination exhibit I was so impressed with what an artistic and useful purpose it could be put to that it seemed such a waste." Live Science
Recently, Body World, launched their online store where you can buy bodies, parts, flesh based and organ based accessories and organs. If you are interested, go to Body World Website and enjoy shopping.
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