Monday, December 13, 2010

Top 5 Most Disgusting Cases of All Time, So Far! | Photos & Video

If you are fond of penises, have beautiful eyes, scared of spiders, bold, a boob lover, soft hearted or you have a weak stomach please do not proceed in reading this article as the content/photos/video might be offensive.

However, as a precaution, I blurred the sample images and linked them to an external uncensored source of the image once clicked.

Click on the images below to view the uncensored one


Motorcycle or Boating Accident

This poor patient was impaled on a fencepost after losing control of his motorcycle or boat. Surprisingly, he is still alive!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Man Keeps His Dead Wife’s Corpse & Turns It into Furniture (Lucy in A Glass Coffee Table)

dead-wife-glass-coffee-table LUCY

Is that crazy or sick love? You be the judge. I have done my best to think this is not true just to get the idea out of my head. After knowing all about body preservation, I don’t have a single doubt that this case could be a true story about a man who loved his wife way too much to keep her body preserved in a glass coffee table turning the corpse into a decoration/furniture. Many websites claim that this is not true as the idea along with the enclosed image are of extreme offensive nature to the dead.

This story originally appeared in the American tabloid Weekly World News, published first on Dec. 1, 1992, and then again in a May 1993 Collectors' Edition. It goes as follows:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reality or Fiction? - Apple Transparent iPad/iPhone & Blackberry Empathy


I am not sure if I should believe this or not, but it is worth the share. Three wireless devices has left me speechless of how dangerous they might be; an iPad that can read lips and put them into words on screen, an iPhone that is made of PURE and ONLY crystal, and a Blackberry phone that can sense your emotions and shares them with your friends. Are they for real? Some say yes and these ideas are implemented but yet need to be tested thoroughly, others say such ideas are simply impossible to implement until after 50 years atleast. You be the judge as I will be listing the three devices with their “in-brief options” and photo galleries.