Bees are dying faster and faster everyday. This is not a good sign because they are the one and most creature that contributes in the pollination of flowers and plants. They are responsible for the production of the best element ever known to man, Honey.
For 2 years, scientists have been studying those sudden mysterious deaths and so far they couldn't come up with one exact answer, they came up with a million theories but not answers.
"A dramatic spate of bee deaths is being observed in the USA. In many regions almost 90 percent of the population has been affected. In Germany and Switzerland too, colony numbers have virtually halved in the last 15 years. But what are the causes? Suspects include insecticides, old and new pathogens and more recently, radiation from mobile telephone masts. Agricultural monocultures or too little genetic diversity within the bee populations have also been cited as possible causes, as have genetically modified plants: especially Bt maize and Bt cotton, which are grown on a large scale in the USA." GMO-Safety
"Toxins are suspected as cause of the decline. A study at the University of Jena showed that genetically modified corn combined with parasites caused greater loss of bees. Researcher Hans-Himrich Kaatz theorized that a bacterial toxin in the corn altered the bees' intestines making them weakened to the parasites. There was no further funding of the study to date." Free Market News
I believe that bee deaths are not a mysterious acts, it's just a result of the human race abusing their production of honey and a result of the human race not paying attention to the caring for them and not paying attention on the significance of their existence in our lives.
Hopefully an answer will be figured out and a solution will be applied because we're at a stage where we are fighting to keep species alive no matter what they are or where they live.
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