Sunday, February 22, 2009

Real Voices from Hell - Disturbing

A research team in Siberia made a shocking discovery, as the drilling-team who drilled about 14.4 kilometers deep in the crust of the earth reached a large empty pocket and temperature to 2,000 Fahrenheit. After they had lowered a microphone to listen to the earth's movements at certain intervals with supersensitive microphones, which were let down through the hole. Something happened; "It was sometimes a weak, but high pitched sound which we thought to be coming from our own equipment." Explained Dr. Azzacov. "But after some adjustments we comprehended that indeed the sounds came from the earth's interior. We could hardly believe our own ears. We heard a human voice screaming in pain. Even though one voice was discrenible, we could hear thousands, perhaps millions, in the background, suffereing screaming." He stated.

They recorded the sounds, and the drilling-members who was there at that day in Siberia kept copies of it. One person who passed away a time from now, but his brother's son found the copy and remembered the story of the incident in Siberia he had told him. He sent the copy he found to a radio station, and clearly stated himslef that it DID occur in Siberia, and that it IS true that they recorded it in the drilling hole, in opposition to some rumors that had spread about the incident being a hoax.

Could this be the actual sounds of souls tourmented in hell...? Listen to what they recorded;

For pictures and the complete article, please CLICK HERE
To hear the voices, play the video below.