Thursday, February 19, 2009

Calculate Your Real Age - Based on A Proven Study

Can you believe that the man in the picture is 22 years old and the woman in the other picture is 19?!

I know this might be the oddest question to ever be asked considering the numbers given. Well they are actually 22 and 19 social years old.

Let me explain this to you. Recent studies created different ages to people. Depending on how much they eat, sleep, socialize and study/work. The conclusion was that an average person would spend 33.3% of his life sleeping, 8.3% eating (food and snacks), 33.3% studying/working (job or housewife) and 25.1% socializing/experiencing/thinking. The study is very interesting. Let's assume the percentages in daily hours.

24 hours a day: 8 hours sleeping, 2 hours eating, 8 hours studying/working and 6 hours socializing/experiencing/thinking.

Now let's talk years

24 years old: 8 years sleeping, 2 years eating, 8 years studying/working and 6 years socializing/experiencing/thinking.

Amazing right?!

Now you calculate your age by doing this:
  1. Get a calculator
  2. Write down your age (x) years
  3. You slept for {(x) multiplied by 33.3%} years
  4. You ate for {(x) multiplied by 8.3%} years
  5. You studied/worked for {(x) multiplied by 33.3%} years
  6. You socialized/experienced/thought for {(x) multiplied by 25.1%} years
Many professional firms nowadays calculate the exact hours and years you worked using this method so they can gain information about the work experience a person have before hiring.

So basically the proper age calculated is the last one. The last one is your actual mental age. Of course this study is based on averaging numbers based on surveys given. There are always exceptions to every rule.

Important Note! The percentages apply for a lifetime not for the current sleeping, eating etc. rates. So the best way to calculate it is using the given percentages.